DENA BANK has branches in 2 City of KOTA District
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Get KOTA DENA BANK IFSC Code with branch Address.
KOTA DENA BANK IFSC code is often referred to as
RTGS code or
NEFT code since it is used to transfer money using
RTGS. Ans.
IFSC code is not the
same as the branch
IFSC (Indian Financial System
Code) consists of eleven characters and is used to identify the bank and its branch. The Bank IFSC code can be used both by its RTGS and NEFT fund transfer systems. IFSC stands for Indian Financial System Code. The Payment System Software like RTGS, CFMS, and NEFT developed by its Reserve Bank of India utilize these codes. The code includes 11 Characters - First 4 figures represent the entity, the Fifth position has defaulted with a 0 for future usage, and the Last 6 character refers to the branch individuality.
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DENA BANK KOTA IFSC code can be used for online money transfer systems like RTGS, NEFT, and IMPS.
IFSC or Indian Financial System Code is a unique identification number that is used to identify each branch of a DENA BANK The code is used by all the Indian banks that participate in the NEFT, RTGS, IMPS payment settlement systems. DENA BANK has many branches in KOTA but it is very difficult to visit the bank each time. DENA BANK
IFSC code consists of eleven digit
code which comprises of first four letters like 'AAAA', the fifth digit is 0 followed by the last 6 digits which represent the specific
DENA BANK branch code. Here's an example, the
IFSC code of the
DENA BANK branch at 11, Ganesh House, MG Road, KOTA (Only Test), is AAAA0007587. Team is work for help search
"DENA BANK KOTA IFSC Code easily with branch address, Bank Phone Number and all Bank Details.
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